Monday, August 23, 2010

residential trealment

Last Friday we took our 14 year old son to residential treatment center . It was harder than I expected. The facility was beautiful, the staff caring, everything I think I could ask for, but its hard to turn a fragile boy and his everyday care over to strangers. It is what I think he needs, I feel good about the decision, much work lies ahead. We didnt do this to sedn him away, we did it because nothing else worked. This was where the road led to, but its difficult nonetheless.
I hope and pray he makes great progress, that he learns to accept his condition, that he learns about his triggers and how to compensate for things that are particularly difficult for him, so that he can emerge the successful young man that I know is inside.
I look forward to our first phone call in 2 weeks, with mixed emotions, I look forward to hearing his voice, and possibly see his face via skype, but i worry that he will be wanting to come home, and that I will have to tell him no.
I have great faith in the staff, and their knowledge of adolescents with multiple psychiatric disgnoses, I have already tried everything imaginable, and now its on to bigger and hopefully better than what mama can do . It takes a village, not only to raise a child, an even bigger village to raise a child with mental health issues, and that same village to support the mama raising that child,
God Bless you all!

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