Tuesday, June 29, 2010


We are right now in a transition stage as far as medication goes, these times are always a little stressful. In the past there has always been one constant mood stabilizer along with an adhd med and a second mood stabilizer, so when we do a change, we step down one, introduce a new one and eventually face out the first one, while all along having the one constant med. last time we went for med evaluation, we cut out one and started fazing out a second, to see how he would do without medisin, since as you can imagine, he thinks he doesnt need medisin and in fact the medisin is whats making him mad(!?)so now we are at the scary point where he is only taking his adhd meds, and ooh, let me tell you, wowweee. he is all over the place, flailing, arguing, twitching, yelling, in my face, angry, all over the place, argued for over an hour about eating dinner!
now we are going to try lithium, so i add that to the loooong list of meds, . in the past we have tried resperahl, lamictal, depakote,abilify,trileptol, and probably some more that i cant even remember.
the psych already said we will probably have to up the dose and add anothet accompanying medisin to get it right,wheew, lets see how it goes,

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