Wednesday, June 30, 2010

keep your head up

I dont want this blog to become a place where i just vent negativity, so i'm writing one before my son gets up, lol. At times through his life he has been a very happy boy, he used to sing while on the toilet and in the shower, but then get screaming mad shortly thereafter, we tried everything between heaven and earth to keep the happy boy going and not let in the screamer, coaching , getting in touch with anger, recognizing anger before it gets ahold, seeking the happy feelings, you name it. its sad to watch, because when there is happiness present it can be good, until RAD sets in, or ADHD takes over, then frustrations will kick in and Bipolar rears its ugly face!! arrgh!!
.so we keep going, chin up! lets find a new med, another technique, another therapist, lets try again, i will never give up1 Whatever it takes,,I'll do it!! Hoping you all take the same stand, as i am sure you will if you are moms of pediatric onset mental illness, after all, what else can we do? they are our children...

1 comment:

  1. I am very glad that we connected online. Although I don't have children, I do have a mental illness and I know how difficult it is for the support people in our lives.

    Good for you for starting a blog and reaching out to others. I look forward to reading!

