Saturday, July 3, 2010

Letting go

Letting go, doesnt mean ( at least not to me) letting go of your child, or the fight onward. Letting go is letting go of the stress and the worry, easier said than done, I know. I do alot of praying, a lot!
I know with utmost certainty that i am following Gods lead, and this helps me to let go of the stress. I know that I am doing everything I can, and in praying about the outcome, I know that every door that is opened for my children through what I do on their behalf is blessed by God. Because I pray, I dont have to worry, sure I take it back sometimes, and worry anyway, I'm only human, often times in my quest for my sons education and in my other children too, I have been told, oh, no, you cant do it that way, most often, I end up getting it the way I set out for it to be, because I pray, Now I laugh when someone tells me it cant be done, ha, htey dont know who's in mt corner. This is not to say that I dont have setbacks, of course I do, and I dont always get my way, but I always get Gods way.
My biggest lesson in letting go, was the second time my daughter ran away, she is untreated ADD, and I believe undiagnosed RAD, with poss depression, call is mothers instinct, you know, we are usually right. Anyways, the second time, she ran, my husband was in Africa, on a missionary trip, I was pregnant at 41, and knew i had to keep my stresslevel down as I had already miscarried once a few months earlier and knew this was it. So when I found her bed with pillows in it still in the morning( she would sneak out alot and always come home before morning), I knew she was a gonner. I called my husband right away, it took a while to get a call back, meanwhile i prayed, and after talking to my husband, i completely let it go, I said God , she's in your hands. My daughter is still out there running, theres nothing I can do, some kids are bent on falling on their faces.
With my son, theres more psychiatric interventions, but i am starting to see the pattern, and at 14 I feel him slipping out of my hands, I work harder to get him what he needs before its too late, and I pray, so I dont have to worry. we all know too well how many people with Mh issues end up undiagnosed in the prisons instead, because we couldnt reach them in time, I wont let another one bite the dust! But , I dont worry. I do all the footwork, and the research, and I pray.

1 comment:

  1. My husband was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in Oct 2007 after a severe psychotic episode. The greatest peace and strength I have found in all of this was when I gave over all my cares and worries over to God. Like you, there are of course still times when I worry about things but it has been a huge blessing to be able to do that.
