Tuesday, July 13, 2010

lies and blame

These few days of school have been on and off, tuesday he went, wednesday he didnt, thursday he went, friday he didnt, monday he went,,,and tuesday hewent. each day there was a struggle in the morning, weather he ended up going to school or not, and it was always, the school is dumb,
the school is retarded,
everyone makes fun of me,
i hate the school,
until today, this morning it was, i hate you, and its all your fault I'm going etc, so,, we are back to normal. Because thats whats normal here in our house, he hates me and everything is my fault,
If he has nothing to wear , its my fault, if his pants dont fit, its my fault, etc. Lats week, i gave him a new pair of shorts, well that was wrong because they were waaay too big, , but he wore them, This week, after a washing, the shorts were waay too small( my fault) but he wore them,,,
I have been sending money with him to buy lunch, and he comes home and tells me lunch was free, well, yesterday he spent the lunch money on arizona teas, so today I didnt give him lunch money since lunch was free,,, well that was wrong,,,
yesterday I asked him, where did you get money fro the teas,
he said " my friend gave it tome, I have 3 friends already"
so I said, then you have my 3 dollars still,
he said no
so i said, well then you spent them on the teas,
he said no,,,
eventually the truth did come out,
he spent the 3 dollars on the teas, I dont know why he lies about the obvious, but he does it all the time, i think he wants to be caught, but usually it ends in a huge blow up, today it was a small blow up, just a little yellling, and one door slamming, that all,,

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