Tuesday, July 6, 2010

links and resources

here are a few helpful linkshttp://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/pages/Team-of-Advocates-for-Special-Kids-TASK/114858278813



a few months ago, I met with a child advocate, to see if I should hire someone else to take charge of the situation, and if possibly a third party could do more than I was getting done. I came out of the meeting, clearly knowing that I am my childs best advocate, I believe no one will fight as hard and long for his rights and needs as I will, and so I will likely never hire an advocate. This may have something to do with my personality type, I tend to not give up, and I am stubborn, persistent and opinionated, when I put this to good use, things usually go my way.

I looked for a support group for parents of children with behaviour issues in socal, and could not find any, so I have created my own, we will have our first meeting tuesday August 3rd at 6:30, and will meet once a month, all are welcome, we will meet at my church, New Wine Church, in Fullerton 1425 brookhurst. weahter your child has a diagnosis, or you are just having trouble with something behaviour related at home or at school, you are welcome to come join us to talk or listen or both!

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