Monday, July 19, 2010

Routines, and diets.

A few things that I think are super important, and easy to do are plenty of sleep, a steady routine, and a healthy diet free of pesticides and food coloring.
Really , its not as hard as you think.
Make a schedule and stick to it, remember mamma is the boss, haha. Take into account that most people with mental health struggles need a little more sleep than others, and children even more so, I schedule 9-10 hours for my 14 year old.
second, since things that come unexpected will throw anyone for a loop, keep a steady schedule so that they know what to expect and what comes next, when things are going to change, talk about it ahead of time if possible.
The diet, OK, this one takes a little more work, and its best if you get the whole family on the same page, so as not to single the child out. Pesticides and food colorings have been shown to have an impact on focus, learning, and central nervous system, even if its only a little, lets doo all we can and eliminate these things. I have read about other moms who take it one further and go gluten free as well, thats my next ambition.
Eating healthy will also help with weight so to help the all too often low self-esteem that we find in our children with MI.
Hope this helps, I look forward to your input

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