Monday, July 5, 2010

this and that

Yesterday while I was driving to church, I was thinking about how we as a society treat mental illness different than we do other serious illness, and I thought I had great post in my head, but of course by the time I sit down to type, I have forgotten half of it. with most any other serious illlness, theres an immediate thought to whats the best medisin, what do I need to do. But some how when you tell someone you take psych meds, theres a different reaction. I mean shouldnt it be the same as if I tell you I have cancer and I will start with Chemo and radiation, or if I tell you, I have bipolar disorder and I take a combination of mood stabilizers and antipsychotics. I mean , to me as a parent , and also having had friends over the years who battle with BP(no pun intended),
the reaction is totally different, just an observation, much work needs to be done.

this evening I am prepping for tomorrows first day of special ed school, and also happen to be blood test day, for lithium dosing, which of course has to be done predosing,,,I feel like I'm setting myself up here, if its not apparent already, my son reacts usually with violence and threats, and profanity, when things are unpleasant, unexpected, unwanted, etc,,,
I can prepare for some of this, but not all of it obviously, so I attempt to prepare him for thiings slowly little at a time, however, he has already told me he isnt getting up tomorrow, and isnt going to school, or lab. I asked him to come sign some paperwork, and he said no, i wont, and I ma not going to follow the rules anyway, so I took the cord to the x-box, and told him no more video games,,, he then took the paperwork and saud i'm gonna rip it up, asked me if I had more, I said I'm sure they have more at school,,,
life would be so much simpler if your children didnt feel like you were out to get them,,,?

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